Papatoetoe Neighbourhood Support

Setting up a group

Step 1 Make contact
Contact your Neighbourhood Support contact person
Papatoetoe Neighbourhood Support
Neighbourhood Support contact person for Papatoetoe:
Name: Zoeya Kamal
Email: papatoetoens@outlook.com
Step 2 Find members
The local Neighbourhood Support coordinator will help:
determine a practical size for your group
coordinate invites to join the group
set up the initial group 'get together'
identify the volunteer contact person and a deputy for the group
Step 3 Start Up meeting
The local Neighbourhood Support coordinator will attend the first meeting and:
explain how a Neighbourhood Support group works
distribute information packs and street signs
help gather details for a group contact list
stay in contact with the group via the contact person
Step 4 Follow up
The group contact person will:
distribute the contact list to their group members and keep it up to date
distribute information such as newsletters and crime alerts
arrange future meetings (if required) including an annual 'get together'
Resources and other supporting mechanisms can be accessed by contacting Papatoetoe Neighbourhood Support. Signs, stickers, leaflets and folders are provided by Neighbourhood Support New Zealand as part of your start-up and ongoing maintenance of your group.
Pride, safety and community spirit
Junior Neighbourhood Support is a fully funded programme that aims to promote a sense of pride, safety and community spirit, in children and in the wider school community.
The programme works in partnership with NZ Police, Fire, Civil Defence & Emergency Management, and local sponsors.
Junior Neighbourhood Support recognises primary and intermediate students who have assisted others or have done something that demonstrates community spirit and pride, or supports community safety.
Some of the activity areas are: bike safety, preventing bullying, school or street clean ups, reporting graffiti, awareness/assistance with fire/ police/civil defence services, getting their families to join Neighbourhood Support, helping a neighbour, etc.
Children performing any of these ‘safety activities’ can be nominated by school staff, families and members of the community for an achievement award.
It is intended that this programme will positively reinforce areas in the curriculum and existing school programmes and as such will be supported by schools, their staff and the community.
The programme supports the following curriculum key competences:
Relating to others
Managing self
Participating and contributing
Using languages, symbols and text
To promote a sense of pride, safety and community spirit in children, their schools and their wider community.
To foster pride in students, their school, their home and their community
To increase awareness and involvement in Neighbourhood Support groups
To increase children’s knowledge of the functions, and roles, of key safety organisations in their community
To recognise positive initiatives, attitudes and behaviour
To assist in the prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour

Junior Neighbourhood

Click and download your free copy of the Junior Neighbourhood Support Manual
Resources - Junior Neighbourhood Support Manual
PDF. Format

You can Email Us your question and we will get back to you as soon as possible.